It’s an integral part of your company’s production process to choose a precision grinding vendor that you can rely on for dependable, quality work. Given the precise nature of grinding, it has a very narrow margin of error, so ensuring that you choose the most qualified company for the job is imperative. There’s always a risk of a grinding vendor making a mistake or damaging equipment that has needed time, money and manpower to create. In order to avoid this, knowing what to look for in your company’s precision grinding vendor is of the utmost importance in any vetting process. The team at Sturdy Grinding put together the following top three mistakes to avoid when choosing a grinding vendor in the hopes of saving companies from choosing the wrong vendor for their operation in the future.
1) Choosing a Non-Experienced Vendor
This one seems like it speaks for itself, but you would be surprised how many companies do not do their homework before hiring their precision grinding vendor. Non-experienced vendors may do more harm to your equipment than help!
2) Choosing a “Price to Good to be True” Vendor
If the price seems too low, it probably is. This could account for low-quality workmanship, as well as tools and parts. A quality precision grinding vendor such as Sturdy Grinding will charge you a fair price for their services, and in return you can expect quality results.
3) Choosing Too Many Vendors
The saying “too many hands in the pot” rings true to the precision grinding industry. With many vendors working on the same machinery, there is bound to be miscommunication, causing machinery to not work correctly or even break.
To hire an experienced, fairly priced and independent precision grinding vendor, contact Sturdy Grinding today!