Saginaw MI 's Highest Quality Barstock Grinding Parts

Sturdy Grinding offers custom barstock grinding parts for your business!

Custom Barstock Grinding Company In Saginaw MI | Sturdy Grinding & Machining - Finished_thru_Feed_(2)_copy

At Sturdy Grinding, we've been performing centerless end-feed, in-feed, or plunge-feed grinding for decades around Metro Detroit. Our skilled team of operators have a great deal of experience grinding multiple diameters, grinding shoulders, and grinding radii. We deliver top quality products with tight tolerances of up to .0002".

With every project and product, we have made a commitment to provide quality grinding services from the very beginning. We've been ISO certified since the early 1990's, well before other manufacturing companies our size. Over the years we have invested in the expansion of our Quality Control department, including purchases of advanced data gathering equipment along with the necessary software to analyze our quality over time. On average, our customer based quality rating is 4.85 our of 5 throughout the last 5 years.

End-Feed Grinding Capabilities

Using ASI Datamyte quality control software and SPC methods, we can easily monitor the quality of our centerless grinding services including:

  • Hex Bolts
  • Armature Shafts
  • Pistons
  • Planetary Gear
  • Pump Shafts
  • Ejector Pins
  • Idler Arm Ends

Bar Stock Grinding in Saginaw MI

Custom Barstock Grinding Company In Saginaw MI | Sturdy Grinding & Machining - bar2

Study Grinding offers a great deal of defect-free bar grinding experience. Our equipment can grind bars and tubes as large as 11" in diameter and as long as 40' in virtually any sort of metal used in modern manufacturing. In addition, we can supply heat treated rolls and shafting.

Similar, to through-feed grinding, bar grinding is a type of centerless grinding in which the bar passes through the machine. The bar rests on a fixed blade which is spun by a regulating wheel. While that's going on, an abrasive wheel grinds the work piece. Long bars ground in this fashion are supported by rollers on both ends of the machine.

Bar Grinding Capabilities

Sturdy Grinding has been in the bar grinding business for 30 years and has the machinery, capabilities and equipment to handle all our customers bar grinding needs. Bar grinding is a specialized field that takes experience and a skilled hand to do well. It is our longevity in the industry and competent operators that set us apart from the competition.

  • Linear Shafting
  • Raw Steel
  • Heat Treated Steel
  • Titanium Shafts
  • Lead Screws
  • Ball Screws
  • Piston Shafts
  • Hydraulic Shafts
  • Beryllium Copper Tubes
  • Stainless Steel Shafting

CNC Grinding

Custom Barstock Grinding Company In Saginaw MI | Sturdy Grinding & Machining - cnc-outside-diameter-grinding-img1-large

Sturdy Grinding routinely performs multi-diameter work with tight geometric requirements. we're capable of holding cylindricity, concentricity, run out, size, length, grind lead, and surface finish requirements. We measure these requirements with accuracy ranging within millionths of an inch.

OD grinding is a type of grinding in which the part is suspended by centers. A driver spins the part and a grinding wheel comes forward to machine the work piece. A large portion of today's automotive drive and shafting components are ground this way. Sturdy Grinding has some of the leading CNC OD grinders and inspection equipment to fill both high and low volume OD grinding orders.

CNC OD Capabilities

We produce tighter tolerances and mirror-like micro surface finishes on parts such as:

  • Axle Shafts
  • Transmission shafts
  • Drive Train Components
  • Armature Shafts
  • Flanges
  • Generator Rotor Shafts
  • Output Shafts

Need a special part?

Custom Barstock Grinding Company In Saginaw MI | Sturdy Grinding & Machining - Finished_End_Feed_(2)_copyIn addition to our skilled operators, the management team at Sturdy Grinding has a great deal of experience quoting and process planning CNC OD grinding work. Contact Sturdy Grinding early in your process planning. We can put our experience to use by helping you plan the most cost effective process for your project. Call Us Today 586-463-8880.

See Our Other Grinding Services