Strong Steel Grinding Serving Monroe MI

Custom steel grinding for many different industries!

Custom Steel Grinding Components In Monroe MI | Sturdy Grinding & Machining - bar2

Sturdy Grinding has been providing precision grinding across Michigan since 1988. We believe in providing our customers with high quality, increased productivity and customer service that is unparalleled. Since our humble beginnings as a small centerless grinding shop, we have expanded our capacity and capabilities - all while simultaneously improving our production and quality parts.

Our productivity has increased in all centerless grinding operations, which includes thru feed, end feed and multiple diameter close tolerance parts. We've recently acquired certain assets of ABS grinding, which allows us to offer centerless grinding of bar stock and tubing up to 12" in diameter, and 41' long! This is just another way we have increased our services to our customers, and one of the many answers to the question; "Why choose Sturdy Grinding and Machining?"

We provide parts for many various industries. If you have a part that you'd like, and don't see listed below, contact us - we'd love to hear from you!

Aerospace Grinding

Custom Steel Grinding Components In Monroe MI | Sturdy Grinding & Machining - iStock_000061375696_Small The aerospace industry has some of the most stringent quality requirements. The quality rating Sturdy Grinding has earned from its customers is a testament to our ability to meet even the toughest quality standards. Our investments in training and equipment have allowed us to meet the needs of the aerospace industry. Furthermore, our inspection and recording procedures have allowed us to continually improve our processes.

Aerospace parts we commonly grind:

  • Stainless Steel Shafting
  • Titanium Shafting
  • Titanium Tubes
  • Linear Shafting
  • Aluminum Bars
  • Aluminum Tubes

Automotive Grinding in Monroe MI

The engineering that goes into today's vehicles requires ever increasing levels of accuracy and efficiency.

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Sturdy Grinding has continually improved its processes and capabilities to meet these ever expanding needs. Currently, we meet our automotive customer's needs by producing parts that conform to a wide assortment of product requirements.

If you'd like to work with us to see if we'd be able to grind a custom part for you, please contact us to talk with one of our experienced team members about helping you out!

Automotive parts we commonly grind:

  • Axle Shafts
  • Armature Shafts
  • Planetary Gears
  • Assorted Transmission Parts
  • Intermediate Shafts
  • Bearing Journals (Cam-shafts)

Steel Defense Grinding

The defense industry is unique in that it has a broad range of materials and product requirements.

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Engineers in this industry need to design products based on varying and specific needs. Thanks to our decades of experience, Sturdy Grinding has the ability to grind all different kinds of material. We have experience with Steel, Aluminum, Graphite, Copper, Bronze, Brass, Stainless Steel, and even Titanium. Sturdy Grinding & Machining has the equipment and expertise to precision grind all these materials and more to meet the requirements of today's defense contractors.

Defense parts we commonly grind:

  • Machine Gun Tripods
  • M4 & M16 Bolt Carrier Groups
  • Large Caliber Naval Shells
  • Missile and Torpedo Shells
  • Prototype Equipment

Oil Exploration

Due to our extensive operator experience, Sturdy Grinding & Machining has found itself in a position to be of service to companies in the business of oil exploration.

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The Beryllium Copper tubes used to search for oil and natural gas require a unique skill set. These bars and tubes have to be straight, and held to specific size and surface finish tolerances. At Sturdy Grinding we are able to use our combination of straightening presses, overhead cranes, bar grinders, and skilled operators to complete high volumes of these crucial parts used by the oil exploration industry.

Oil Exploration parts we commonly grind:

  • Beryllium Copper Tubes
  • Beryllium Copper Bars

See Grinding Services

Custom Steel Grinding Components In Monroe MI | Sturdy Grinding & Machining - clock

We Meet Strict Deadlines Everyday.

You need a reliable supplier to keep your production moving on time and on budget; Sturdy Grinding has a solid reputation for delivering the best in precision ground parts- even on a tight deadline.

See what our customers have to see about our custom steel grinding:

"Sturdy Grinding has exceeded our expectations in every way. We have appreciated not only the company's flexibility and service-oriented approach, but also the entire staff's excellent work and attention to detail on all projects that we provide. As a result, we have remained with Sturdy Grinding for decades; they will continue to remain our number one vendor moving forward."

Harold A Nikoriuk
Production Planner/Scheduler-Al-4452